Monday, May 3, 2010

Stepping- or Riding Out!

I just bought my first motorcycle. A friend accompanied me for my first time riding it (and I was so thankful he was there). I stalled and restarted it a few times and drained the battery. I push-started it a few times while I was out. Hooray for hills and a friendly guy to help push my bike!

Anyway, I am not a mechanical person- AT ALL. I do enjoy being an empowered woman though. Another friend offered to charge my battery for me, but that meant that I had to either ride the bike to his house (and I'm too new to ride on the scary freeway just yet), or take the battery to his house. This meant that I had to figure out where the battery was on my bike, then take it out. It took me quite a bit of time and a few consults to the wonderful MOM (Motorcycle Owner's Manual), but I did it. I even saved all the bolts and remembered how to put the thing back in!

It's funny how my neighbors looked at me- out in my driveway, turning a wrench on my bike. It made me smile. Yeah, I am that kind of girl.

Anyway, I decided that I need to practice on my bike and get better at riding it so I can take it out on the freeway and eventually commute on it. I started and warmed it up, and drove up and down between my town and one town over. I didn't go over 45, but I did get quite comfortable with it. Hooray. I'm on my way. This weekend, I shall conquer the freeway. Wish me luck and safety!!

As far as safety goes, I do have good gear. I have a well-fitting, well built helmet, an armored jacket and gloves, and wonderful knee and shin guards. I have been using my hiking boots as well, to cover my ankles. Good gear is expensive! I still need about $500 worth of personal wear-able protection (the boots alone are $200-$300), then I'll get new tires and saddle bags for my bike.

The other awesome thing I did for the sake of safety was take a motorcycle safety training course. It was a three-day course, half of which was spent learning to safely ride and maneuver a motorcycle. I would recommend this class to everyone who rides or wants to ride. It was excellent.

Riding is a lovely combination of freedom and fun when done safely, and I expect it to be a life-long joy for me.


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